About Nurse Anesthesia
Read more about us in these sections.
Revised April. 24, 2024
- Accreditation- we are an accredited program.
- Curriculum- For course descriptions, check the current Graduate Catalog.
- Time Commitment
- Costs
- Faculty
- History - our program started in 1941.
- Our Philosophy, Beliefs, and Values
- Maps and websites for all of our 27 clinical affiliates
- Policy Handbook
- About Detroit - We love Detroit. There is a lot more going on here than you might think!
- For Alumni
- Senior Seminar - we welcome a crowd of 200 alumni and friends to a 5 hour continuing education seminar in November each year. Many applicants find it valuable to attend. They get a chance to meet current students, faculty, and alumni. It's a great chance for applicants to get a window into our world.