Detroit Mercy Nurse Anesthesia Seminar

a guest lecturer, mike dosch lecturing at the senior seminar, a few participants enjoying the reception


47th Annual Nurse Anesthesia Senior Seminar
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2025

Motorcity Casino, Detroit MI

The Detroit Mercy Program of Nurse Anesthesia uses this annual event to showcase our program and students, to embrace our CRNA community, connect with alumni, and introduce interested RNs pursuing our profession to anesthesia topics. We have a full and exciting day planned, including presentations by esteemed alumni, breakout sessions for CRNAs to gain knowledge and practice hands-on ultrasound, and sessions for registered nurses aimed at helping navigate the challenges of preparing for a career in nurse anesthesia.


The nurse anesthesia department will host a reception immediately following the seminar to honor UDM NA faculty Greg Bozimowski CRNA DNP and Petra Hurt CRNA MS, for their over 50 years of combined teaching and practice of anesthesia as they embark on their well deserved retirement. If you would like to honor Greg and Petra for their distinguished service to our profession, our program, and most importantly, our students, please consider donating to the Russ Morrison fund.

Call us at 313-993-2458, or email Andrea Teitel CRNA

seminar group

seminar speaker 2

crna seminar attendees listening to a speaker
speaker at the seminar
students at the seminar

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    Directions and Details for the Day

    If registered for our event, here are some details.

    • Professional attire is appreciated.
    • Name tags will indicate what type of meal you requested (regular or vegetarian).  
    • For CRNAs, please make sure that you complete the entire evaluation for the event to receive CEs from the AANA.  You will receive the link for the survey on Saturday.  CE processing will occur on Monday, using the AANA number that you provided with your registration. 
    • If you have not signed up for a headshot by a professional photographer, you have the opportunity to do so on the morning of the seminar.  Photographs will be taken until 11am
    • Directions and parking:

    The Seminar will be held at Motor City Casino Hotel, 2901 Grand River Ave, Detroit, 48201. Take Lodge Fwy (M-10) to exit 2C Grand River. Self-park (free) or valet. Best parking is in the secure Ohio parking lot at Brooklyn and Spruce- it’s closer to the conference area. There will be signage to direct you to the Ohio lot.

    grandriver exit

    There will also be signage inside Motor City. You do not have to walk through the casino. The Seminar will be held in the conference center. If you self-park in the structure, find the main hotel desk and just keep walking.  

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

Grand Sponsor:

azoury financial services 


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