Policies, Procedures and Handbooks

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    Student Handbooks


    Appeals Policy

    The CHP-MSON Appeals Policy and Procedure for the academic year 2023-2024 applies to all students in the College of Health Professions or McAuley School of Nursing.

    Honor Code

    (Updated April 15, 2015)

    Students in the College of Health Professions at University of Detroit Mercy are expected to exhibit behaviors that epitomize academic, professional and personal integrity. They are committed to the traditions of the Sisters of Mercy and the Society of Jesus that emphasize values, respect for others, and academic excellence.  Adherence to such high standards is necessary to ensure quality in education and clinical care in all College of Health Professions programs.  A student’s acceptance into a program of the College of Health Professions is conditional upon signing an affirmation of the Honor Code. 

    Academic Integrity

    It is the responsibility of a student in the College of Health Professions to complete all coursework and fulfill all course objectives ethically and appropriately. Students in the College of Health Professions will maintain the highest standards of integrity and academic honesty, adhering not only to the Honor Code but also to any other professional requirements and provisions of their respective programs.  Refer to the University of Detroit Mercy Academic Conduct Policy and your department handbook for further discussion and definition of academic misconduct and integrity.

    Cheating by acts of commission or omission is not acceptable behavior for a student in the College of Health Professions. Misrepresentation in academic work includes but is not limited to:

    • Submitting the same paper in more than one course without the explicit permission of the appropriate instructor.
    • Any form of plagiarism, especially failure to acknowledge ideas or language taken from others, and submitting work prepared by others.
    • Submitting scientific research that misrepresents the way in which the work was completed. 
    • Collaborating with others on projects expressly intended to be completed individually. 
    • Copying, transmitting or sharing examination materials without authorization of the instructor. 
    • Acquiring any materials that may provide an unfair advantage over fellow students. 

    Professional Integrity

    Behavior and performance are essential aspects of the educational process for students in the College of Health Professions. It is the student’s responsibility to complete clinical and internship assignments and meet coursework objectives ethically and appropriately. Students must place the welfare of their patients as their highest priority in the clinical educational setting and deliver quality care in the clinical setting while maintaining the highest level of integrity and professional demeanor.

    Unprofessional behavior in clinical and internship settings includes but is not limited to:

    • Using clinical or internship site facilities or resources in an unauthorized way, including the theft of materials obtained from such sites. 
    • Violating the confidentiality of patients and their families.  
    • Jeopardizing the health and safety of clinical or internship site staff, students or patients by acts of omission or commission. 
    • Participating in behaviors that may obstruct, disrupt or interfere with student learning or clinical care. 
    • Failure to arrive for clinical or internship placements on time or arrival at such sites unprepared either mentally or physically. 
    • Falsifying or fabricating clinical results, research, or findings for personal gain. 
    • Misrepresentations of myself as anyone other than a student. 
    • Engaging in any form of harassment.

    Personal Integrity

    Students in the College of Health Professions are responsible for behaving ethically and appropriately with tolerance and compassion and to be personally accountable for their behaviors on campus, at clinical and internship sites, on-line, and in any other related setting.

    Unacceptable personal behavior includes but is not limited to the following: 

    • Engaging in any form of harassment; 
    • Discriminating against others for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, gender or sexual orientation; 
    • Using illicit drugs or alcohol during school or clinical hours, or in a manner that would impair performance at the university or clinical site; 
    • Failure to report violations of the honor code; 
    • Knowingly bringing false complaints against fellow students to the Honor Council; 
    • Intentionally causing damage to university or clinical site property or resources; 
    • Tampering with documents, falsifying records or misrepresentation of critical data to university, clinical, or internship site personnel. 

    Having read the above statement of the College of Health Professions Honor Code, I affirm that I have understood and agree with its provisions and will conduct myself in a manner that upholds the highest values of this institution and my intended profession.  I pledge to be responsible for fostering a climate of academic trustworthiness and integrity.  I will behave in an ethical, honest and accountable manner and will report any violations of the Honor Code that come to my attention.
