PA Program Goals and Outcomes

This page describes the overall administrative mission, vision and goals for the Physician Assistant Program at University of Detroit Mercy. They are listed below, with outcome measures for each goal.

(Prospective PA students should refer to the main PA Program page.)

The Detroit Mercy PA Program developed its program goals as a reflection of the Competencies for the Physician Assistant Program in conjunction with the mission and vision statement of our College and University, as well as respect for the historical dedication to service of our founders. Find more PA Program information, such as course requirements for the degree, in the academic catalog entry for Physician Assistant.

Program mission

To produce highly ethical, clinically competent medical professionals thoroughly prepared to deliver quality care and dedicated to serve diverse and underserved populations.

Program vision

To engage and support a diverse student body that through their varied learning opportunities develop the required foundational skills to become caring, confident, and capable Physician Associates who continue to develop and master their trade throughout their professional career.

Program goals

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    Goal #1 – The PA Program will recruit and matriculate qualified applicants.

    Outcome measure

    The program aims to have an average undergraduate GPA >3.70, average GRE > 305 and an average patient care experience >1750 hours. These benchmarks are above our minimum required scores for each individual applicant and reflect the highly competitive nature of the admission process.

    Actual outcome

    Matriculated Student Data
    Matriculation Year
    2022 2023 2024
    Number of matriculating students 61 63 60
    Average Undergraduate GPA 3.75 3.78 3.74
    Average GRE 307.4 307.7 305.2
    Average patient care experience hours 2028 2206 2834

    Goal #2: The PA program will support matriculated students throughout all phases of their PA education.

    Outcome measure

    The program aims to have a deceleration/attrition rate of less than 10%.  This would be below the threshold needed to develop a root cause analysis and report for ARC-PA.

    Outcome measure

    The program aims to have a graduation rate of >90%. UDM recognizes that there may be factors that interfere with even a qualified student’s ability to complete their education but commits to graduate nearly every student that we admit into our program. 

    Actual outcomes

    Student Attrition and Graduation Rates
    Matriculation Year
    2022 2023 2024
    Maximum entering class size
    (as approved by ARC-PA)
    80 80 80
    Entering class size 68 67 63
    Graduates 58 65 59
    Attrition rate* 4.4% 9% 6.3%
    Graduation rate** 95.6% 91% 93.7%

    *Attrition rate calculation: number of students who attributed from cohort divided by the entering class size.
    **Graduation rate: number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

    Outcome measure

    A subsection of the Annual Student Survey will be dedicated to assessing student perceptions regarding the availability and the quality of support services available during their PA education.  For the survey items regarding the adequacy of student support, the target goal will be 80% or more of the respondents score their responses as >4 on a Likert scale of 0-5.

    Actual outcome 

    Support of Matriculated Students Through all Phases of PA Education
    Graduated class
    All Students 2022 Class of 2023 Class of 2024
    Number of respondents

    87% response rate


    100% response rate


    88% response rate


    The University provides sufficient physical resources, such as laboratory facilities, office space, classrooms, study spaces and anatomy labs to meet the needs of the PA students 3.81 3.81 3.85
    The University provides sufficient technology for the classroom instruction, faculty needs and student requirements as it relates to accreditation. 4.22 4.00 4.18
    The University has a sufficient safety and security program in all campus locations and learning spaces.  4.44 4.44 4.35
    Institutional Support: Adequate classroom seating 4.07 4.00 3.98
    Institutional Support: Adequate classroom lighting 4.36 4.00 4.08
    Institutional Support: Appropriate equipment to support effective instruction 4.07 3.00 3.89
    IT/Computer Resources: Able to support the curriculum 4.18 4.25 4.06
    Library Support: Adequate Library resources 4.04 4.44 4.23
    There is adequate office staff support for the program Not available 4.17 3.94
    There is adequate office staff to support the didactic phase of the program Not available 4.15 3.94
    There is adequate office staff to support the clinical phase of the program Not available 4.00 3.88
    There is adequate number of faculty for the students in the program Not available 4.00 3.86
    Rate the effectiveness of the staff committed to the academic phase of the program in terms of performing their duties Not available 4.00 3.86
    There is adequate instructional faculty and adjunct faculty to meet the needs of the students in the program Not available 4.08 3.92
    Rate the effectiveness of the staff committed to the clinical phase of the program in terms of performing their duties Not available 4.00 3.82

    Goal #3 – The PA program will graduate highly qualified Physician Associates ready to enter the workforce.

    Outcome measure

    The PA Program aims for a first time PANCE rate > the national average.

    Actual outcome

    See the first time PANCE Pass Rates in the PANCE Performance Summary Report (PDF).

    Outcome measure

    The PA Program will meet all of their core competencies.

    Actual outcome

    Program Competencies Data
    Average Score of Comprehensive Exams

    Class of 2022


    Class of 2023


    Class of 2024


    Program Competency #1: Clinical and Technical Skills

    PA students will approach a patient of any group, in any setting, to elicit a detailed and accurate history, perform an appropriate physical examination, delineate problems and record and present the data.

    OSCE 93%

    Radiology 89%

    EKG 90%

    OSCE 91%

    Radiology 91%

    EKG 92%

    OSCE 90%

    Radiology 88%

    EKG 91%

    Program Competency #2: Clinical Reasoning and Problem-solving Abilities 

    PA students will demonstrate the ability to utilize up-to-date scientific evidence to inform clinical reasoning and clinical judgment.

    OSCE 93%

    Radiology 89%

    EKG 90%

    EOC 1504

    OSCE 91%

    Radiology 91%

    EKG 92%

    EOC 1522

    OSCE 90%

    Radiology 88%

    EKG 91%

    EOC 1489

    Program Competency #3: Medical Knowledge

    CPA candidates will apply core medical knowledge needed to care for patients.

    Radiology 89%

    EKG 90%

    EOC 1504

    Radiology 91%

    EKG 92%

    EOC 1522

    Radiology 88%

    EKG 91%

    EOC 1489

    Program Competency #4: Interpersonal Skills

    PA candidates will demonstrate sensitivity to patient health needs and effectively communicate with patients, family members and the health care team to address the patient's health needs.

    OSCE 93% OSCE 91% OSCE 90%

    Program Competency #5: Professional Behaviors

    PA candidates will demonstrate accountability to patients, society and the profession.

    OSCE 93%

    Professionalism 99.5%

    OSCE 91%

    Professionalism 99.5%

    OSCE 90%

    Professionalism 99.5%

    Outcome measure

    A Graduate Survey will be sent to recent graduates, approximately six months after their graduation date.  A subset of questions on the Graduate Survey will address the respondent’s perceptions on their preparedness to enter the workforce and practice effectively as a PA.  For the survey items regarding preparedness, the target goal will be 80% or more of the respondents score their responses as >4 on a Likert scale of 0-5.

    Actual outcome

    Data pending.  Graduate Survey will be disseminated February 2025.


    Goal #4 – The PA Program will strive to develop future leaders of the PA profession.

    Leadership and Scholarly Activities of PA Students
    Number of Students Engaged in Leadership and Scholarship

    Class of 2025


    Class of 2026


    Class of 2027


    Journal publications and presentations 2 0 0
    Delegate roles in PA organizations (national, state, regional, local) 2 2 0
    Service to the University, College or program 22 22 3
    Total percent of cohort engaged in leadership and scholarly activities 40% 42% 10%

    *The class of 2027 only has students in the part-time PA program. Full-time students will matriculate into this cohort fall 2025

    Outcome measure

    The number of students who participate in research and leadership activities will be tracked.  These will include research publications, research presentations, delegate roles within MAPA or AAPA, and board membership of the William Beaumont Society, a University of Detroit Mercy PA student organization.  Our initial benchmark will be for 50% of all students to engage in leadership activities during their PA education.  This benchmark will be reassessed as we collect longitudinal data.

    Actual outcome

    Data collection will begin with cohort entering Fall 2024.

Program competencies

  • Program Competency #1: Clinical and technical skills
    PA Candidates will approach a patient of any group, in any setting, to elicit a detailed and accurate history, perform an appropriate physical examination, delineate problems, and record and present the data.
  • Program Competency #2: Clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities
    PA Candidates will demonstrate the ability to utilize up-to date scientific evidence to inform clinical reasoning and clinical judgment.
  • Program Competency #3: Medical knowledge
    PA Candidates will apply core medical knowledge needed to care for patients.
  • Program Competency #4: Interpersonal skills
    PA Candidates will demonstrate sensitivity to patient health needs and effectively communicate with patients, family members, and the health care team to address the patient's health needs.
  • Program Competency #5: Professional behaviors
    PA Candidates will demonstrate accountability to patients, society and the profession.