Testimonials for HSA

hsa grad students sitting outside holding books

Mansi Jariwala

Student, Master in Health Services Administration
Expected grad year: 2021

Mansi headshotComing from the city of Surat, about three-fourths the area of Detroit, but 10 times more populated than Detroit, my experience here has been unique. Detroit Mercy has a diverse culture with people coming from many corners of the world. It has given me perspective into understanding and accepting different cultures from all around the world and enjoy the best parts of it.

University of Detroit Mercy offers an amazing platform for the students where students can develop professionally. The professors help you reach out to the alumni and vice versa, where students get a chance to get hands-on training and practical experience. I had an opportunity to meet an alumnus and talk about his learning and experience. It was truly inspirational.

The University — faculty, staff and alumni — wants you to succeed in not your curriculum, but also in your profession.

People at Detroit Mercy make sure you have reached your destination.

Since Day One, I have seen the faculty and staff working towards providing high-quality education and services to their students. The University aims to make its students’ experience as welcome, friendly and approachable so that students like me can learn in the best possible environment. Detroit Mercy's Jesuit community has so much to offer to its student body that I do not feel like I am new to this place at all.

The personable approach of the people at this University is its strength.

I remember the first day I visited the University, I was lost. I asked a student to show me the cafeteria. Instead of pointing it out, she took my hand and showed me around. I was so surprised by it. My professor once took his time to listen to my problem and make me understand where I was making mistakes. The next time he reviewed my assignment, he commended me for it. Since I acknowledged this positive culture, I try to help people in any way I can.


Rhea Rodgers

Student, Master in Health Services Administration
Expected grad year: 2021

rhea headshotUniversity of Detroit Mercy has already made a phenomenal impact in my career path. The events I’ve been encouraged to attend and learn from has helped me develop academically and professionally. Throughout my educational career at the University, I’ve been blessed to see through two promotions within my company.

When I started out at Detroit Mercy, I was overwhelming welcomed and shown I was appreciated as a student as well as a professional. I have had the pleasure of being taught by some of the most aspiring and intelligent professors and professionals whose commitment to health and education is simply unwavering. The passion for advancement at this University is relentless and remarkably embedded within the values of the University. They remember my name when they see me, they take pride in uplifting the community and they are obviously interested in my future and my success. That to me, is what makes the Detroit Mercy difference.


Lauren May ’17

Alumna and student, Master in Health Services Administration
Expected grad year: 2022

lauren headshotMy experience at Detroit Mercy has and will continue to positively impact my career. The MHSA Program is equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful and impactful healthcare leader. The program and its staff expose me to the current challenges healthcare leaders face and help me develop the necessary qualities to help confront them. Midway into the program, I have already learned a great deal about the healthcare arena and will continue to gain even more knowledge. I want to help shape, innovate and improve the way individuals experience healthcare, and I am confident that my Detroit Mercy MHSA education will help me achieve this goal.

The University's Jesuit and Mercy values help provide me with a framework to base both my personal and professional life around. Values such as service to others, the pursuit of excellence and respect for all are ones I work to uphold in everything I do. Pursuing an education from a University that holds such strong values helps to position my career and overall life journey on the right path.

Chantal Cornfield ’14

Alumna, Master in Health Services Administration
Regional Director of Operations at American House

chantal cornfield headshot

University of Detroit Mercy was incredibly instrumental for my career. Our University has years of success that is well respected. The partnership with the Midwest Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (MCACHE) tremendously increased my success potential. There were monthly meet and greets, panel discussions and after-hour dinners with professionals throughout all different health organizations. In addition, a job shadow day allowed me to experience what working in different fields of healthcare would look like. While Detroit Mercy prepared me with the education I needed to be successful, this partnership exposed me to an incredible network after graduation.

I have always had a passion to help the undeserved. While I was once in a position to rely on God and the generosity of others, it was important that I graduated from a program that invested in its community and those less fortunate. I am a proud Detroit Mercy graduate who is proud of all the incredible work our University does.
